Rent in Hamilton is generally quite reasonable, with graduate students typically paying $450– $600 PER MONTH.
It is always a good idea to start looking for accommodation early and many of our new students visit Hamilton for a few days during the summer to look for housing.
The Off-Campus Housing Office at McMaster (MUSC B112, Tel. (905) 525-9140, Ext. 24086) provides listings to assist you in your quest. Suitable places for students to live may be found in a residential area called Westdale which surrounds the University. The Westdale Village also contains many amenities, including stores, banks, restaurants, and a movie theatre. A short bus or bicycle ride away are numerous apartment buildings in the central part of Hamilton and in the neighboring town of Dundas.
For more information, please consult the McMaster Off-Campus Housing Office web site.
Unmarried graduate student housing is available in Bates Residence.
Before receiving a residence application, you MUST have been offered admission to the graduate program.
The number of rooms available during the school year is limited, so you should apply early. Rooms in residence are plentiful during the summer months and are available at daily, weekly, or monthly rates. Applications are not required during the summer. There are no accommodations on campus for married graduate students. All inquiries concerning residences should be directed to:
Director of Residence Life, Commons Building 101E, Tel. (905) 525-9140, Ext. 24223.
For more information, please consult the McMaster Housing Office web site.