Graduate Stipends
Current minimum levels of support are around $24k for M.Sc. and $26k for Ph.D. students. Many of our students secure scholarships from Provincial or Federal granting agencies including in particular the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS).
With the relatively low cost of living in the area surrounding the university, students can expect to live comfortably on their stipend alone.
All students who are accepted into the Chemical Biology graduate program are awarded a graduate stipend. Full-time graduate students receive financial support in the form of a Teaching Assistantship (130h/year) plus a Graduate Scholarship.
The Program also awards annually a number of scholarships in addition to regular Graduate Scholarships. These take the form of Entrance Scholarships to highly qualified incoming students, and in-course Scholarships for outstanding performance in our graduate programs. All incoming students are automatically considered for an entrance scholarship at the time of application.
Graduate students with the proper qualifications are also encouraged to apply for major scholarships awarded at the national (NSERC and CIHR) and provincial (OGS) level. More information about these external scholarships is available from the School of Graduate Studies. To read about the available awards and scholarships and respective deadlines click here. More information about these external scholarships is available from the School of Graduate Studies.
The Chemical Biology graduate program also awards annually a number of internal scholarships in addition to the national and provincial graduate scholarships. These take the form of Entrance Scholarships to highly qualified incoming students, and in-course scholarships for outstanding performance in our graduate programs. All incoming students are automatically considered for an entrance scholarship at the time of application.
Entrance scholarships and awards
We are committed to recruiting the most qualified students for our graduate programs. As an incentive, we offer entrance scholarships over and above our normal graduate stipends to students who have first-class honours from their undergraduate work or who have external graduate awards at the time of registration. These awards are:
• First Class Honours $2500
• OGS $6700
• NSERC $8500
The tuition fee for graduate study at McMaster University is currently ~$7,400.00 per year for Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The tuition for M.Sc. visa students is ~$18,100.00 per year. However, M.Sc. visa students receive a Tuition Bursary of $5000 from the department to help offset the tuition fee. Learn more at