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Magnetic Resonance at McMaster

65th Anniversary 

We are celebrating our 65th Anniversary and the current state of the NMR Facility and highlighting some of the major investments made over the past few years.  We will pay homage to those who helped lay the strong foundation upon which the Facility is built. 


Rao at DP60 Console, July 1964

AC300, AC200, hydro200, late 1990s

Our Story

Upon arriving at McMaster University from University College London in 1958, Ron Gillespie purchased a Varian DP60 NMR spectrometer as part of his startup.  The Royal Society recently published Ron's Biographical Memoir ( 

In 1964, Russell Bell joined the Chemistry Department, and Russell quickly embraced the use of NMR for the study of organic chemistry. At our 50th Anniversary In 2008, Ron and Russell sat down and recorded an interview where they recounted stories from their early days.


Years later Alex Bain joined the department, and many of you know the special contributions he made to NMR spectroscopy. A tribute to Alex can be found in a special issue of Concepts of Magnetic Resonance (  


NMR Facility Staff


Bob Berno


Hilary Jenkins


Megan Fair

McMaster University

1280 Main St W, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8

© This website was created and designed by Leonardo Della Libera and Karla Martinez

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